Thursday, February 4, 2010

We got a little more snow, so . . . .

I went out and scraped up enough to do 7 more pieces of snow dyed fabric. Is the suspense killing you too? I hate the waiting part!!

That top right one could be another potentially "ugly" piece, but we have to wait and see. The bottom two on the right side look scrumptious!

I had a lot of green dyes mixed that I wanted to use up, so there's quite a lot of green in this batch. So many of the other pieces sold that I figured I'd better make some more. I'll post the results just as soon as I can . . . until then, enjoy your ride on the magic carpet (post below)!


  1. Talk about oozing with potential!

    Thanks again for dropping by, don't be a stranger.

  2. How fun! I've heard about snow dyed fabric before but I've never seen it. I'm going to have to try this....Hmmmm.... We're expecting snow this weekend......
